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Cardiology Symptoms

Symptoms of heart disease

Heart disease refers to a range of cardiology concerns affecting the heart, its valves, muscles, and the wider circulatory system.

Many people live with heart disease for a long time before it is diagnosed as there are often no symptoms. The first sign of heart disease is usually when the symptoms of a more serious cardiology concern are experienced.  

Heart disease can affect

  • The heart’s blood vessels (such as the coronary artery)
  • The way the heart beats (causing an irregular heartbeat/arrhythmias)
  • The heart muscle
  • The valves of the heart.

Knowing the signs of heart disease and discussing them immediately with a cardiologist is very important. Often, heart disease can be diagnosed early with regular checkups. 

At Mubadala Health Dubai, we offer a comprehensive assessment of cardiology and heart disease symptoms to ensure a swift and accurate diagnosis. 

Symptoms of heart disease include

Chest pain

Discomfort or pain along the front of your body from the neck to upper abdomen should never be ignored. While the pain may not be related to your heart, it is a common symptom of restricted blood flow to the heart and heart attack. This sort of pain in the chest is called angina.

The pain may feel crushing for some, while others may only feel mild discomfort. It may feel heavy or like someone is squeezing your heart or you may experience a burning, sharp pain in the chest. The pain may extend to the arms, neck, upper back, or jaw.

Shortness of breath

If the heart is unable to pump blood properly, blood backs up within the veins from the lungs to the heart. This causes fluid to leak into the lungs and leads to shortness of breath. This can be a symptom of heart failure. You may experience shortness of breath during physical activity or when resting. You may also experience it when lying on your back.

Coughing or wheezing

If you have a cough that doesn't go away, it may be a sign that fluid is building up on the lungs. The cough may also produce pink or bloodied mucus.

Swelling in the lower extremities

Swelling, also called edema, in the lower legs, ankles or feet can be a sign of a heart problem. If the heart isn’t functioning properly, blood flow slows down and can back up in the veins of the legs, which leads to fluid buildup in the tissue.

Reduced blood supply to the extremities

If the blood vessels that carry blood to other parts of the body, such as the arms and legs, are narrowed, it can indicate heart disease and a higher risk for heart attack.


Extreme tiredness may be caused by several things, but it may be a sign of heart disease if you suddenly feel very tired, you are too tired to carry out normal daily activities or you suddenly feel very weak.

Heart palpitations

If the heart is unable to pump blood as well as it should, it may begin to beat faster to keep up. This can feel as if the heart is racing or throbbing. If your heart rate feels too fast or irregular, it may mean you have arrhythmia, a condition that affects the heart’s normal rate or rhythm.

Are you at risk of heart disease?

If you think that you or a loved one may be experiencing signs of heart disease, contact a cardiologist right away. Never dismiss the symptoms or wait to see if they go away.

Talk to our specialist cardiologists in Dubai today.


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