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Psychology and Psychiatry

Pediatric Psychology and Psychiatry

Symptoms and Causes of Pediatric Psychology and Psychiatry Disorders

Pediatric psychology and psychiatry symptoms: Signs of mental health disorders in children and adolescents    

Like physical illnesses, children can develop the same mental disorders as adults, but the symptoms may be different. Parents often find it hard to identify mental illness in their children, meaning the child often misses out on early intervention and treatment. Understanding and recognizing the signs of mental disorders in children is an important step in getting them the help they need and deserve.

Warning signs that a child is mentally unwell might include

  • Avoiding school
  • Becoming withdrawn and avoiding social interaction
  • Behavior that seems out of control
  • Big changes in mood, personality or behavior
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Extreme irritability
  • Hurting themselves (or talking about it)
  • Interrupted sleep
  • Ongoing sadness (more than a few weeks)
  • Regular headaches or stomach aches
  • Talking about death/suicide
  • Weight loss.

Pediatric psychology and psychiatry: Causes and risk factors of mental health disorders in children and adolescents    

There isn’t a single cause of mental health disorders in children. Many factors, such as exposure to a traumatic experience, can contribute to the risk of a mental disorder developing.

It is important to remember that mental illness is not caused by a character trait in the child. It isn’t their fault and isn’t the result of weakness or being naughty. Mental disorders are an illness and should be addressed, without stigma, in the same way that a physical illness would be.

 Factors that may cause mental disorders in children include

  • Abuse or violence
  • Being bullied
  • Being lonely, with few friends
  • Biologic factors (such as a chemical imbalance in the brain)
  • Changes such as moving school or home
  • Divorce or separation of parents
  • Exposure to chemicals whilst in the womb
  • Genes and family history
  • Long-term illness or a serious medical condition
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Traumatic events, such as the death of a loved one.

What can I do if I think my child has a mental health disorder?

If you have any concerns about your child's mental health, book a consultation with our experienced pediatric psychologists and psychiatrists in Dubai. Talk to your child, as well as their teachers, friends and other family members, and try to get as much information as possible about their thoughts and feelings.

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