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Psychology and Psychiatry

Pediatric Psychology and Psychiatry

Common Pediatric Psychology and Psychiatry Concerns

Exploring common mental, emotional and behavioral concerns in children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a common condition affecting behavior in children. It can cause inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD is usually noticed in younger children and can improve with age.


Children regularly become worried or anxious about things, but if it starts to affect their behavior or mental health, and has an impact on their home, social or school life, then you should support them by seeking help. Common signs include changes in eating and sleeping habits, a change in mood, lack of concentration and constant worry or crying.


Autistic children find it hard to communicate with others. They sometimes find it hard to understand how others feel or may take longer to understand information. They may display a sensitivity to bright lights, loud noises, or unusual situations. Autism is a neurological condition, meaning the child’s brain works in a different way from other people. 

Conduct disorder

Conduct disorder is a group of emotional and behavioral problems in children, characterized by antisocial behavior. Children with conduct disorder may have difficulty following rules, be aggressive, destructive or deceitful. Children who have other mental health issues are more likely to have conduct disorder.


Depression can affect children as well as adults, and the longer it is left untreated, the more likely it is to disrupt a child’s life. Common signs of depression include sadness, irritability, tiredness and lack of interest in things they used to enjoy. Depression can be caused by many things, so talking to your child about their feelings and concerns is very important. Children with bipolar depression have periods of feeling very happy and energetic (a manic episode) and periods of feeling very sad when they are much less active than usual (a depressive episode).

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

Children with OCD have unwanted or obsessive thoughts about things bothering them. These thoughts may force them to do or say things over and over, leading to distress and anxiety. Children often feel that by doing these actions – such as hand washing, repeating words or checking things – they can prevent bad things from happening. Discussing your child’s behaviors with a pediatric psychiatrist is the first step in addressing the condition.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

Children with ODD may be defiant, hostile or uncooperative. The disorder may be caused by developmental problems, or the behavior can be learnt. The behavioral and emotional issues associated with ODD can have negative impacts on schoolwork, family life and social activities. Treatment involves learning new skills which can manage problem behaviors and build positive family connections.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

If a child experiences severe stress or trauma, such as an injury or death of a loved one, it can cause long-term symptoms which are very upsetting and can interfere with daily life. Symptoms may include disturbed sleep, reliving an event frequently, becoming increasingly upset, sad, irritable or fearful, or avoiding people and places associated with the event. Getting a child to talk about PTSD may be hard as the event was distressing but is the first step in therapy.

Tourette syndrome (TS)

TS is a condition of the nervous system which causes children to have tics. A tic is a sudden movement, sound or twitch which can’t be controlled. Tics can be simple and last only a few weeks, or more complex movements that last a long time. Tics usually first appear as a motor tic in the head or neck area.

Protect your child’s mental wellbeing

If you think your child may be living with a disorder which is stopping them from managing their emotions, thinking or behavior, or is interrupting sleep, social or schooling habits, always seek professional advice. Our team of pediatric psychologists and psychiatrists in Dubai are experts in childhood metal health and are here to help your family. Book an appointment today.

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