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Psychology and Psychiatry


Psychology is the study of our mind and behavior, and covers many areas such as social interactions, cognitive processes and our development. Psychiatry focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of emotional, behavioral and mental disorders. Many adults are affected by mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, addiction, and personality disorders.

A psychologist is a healthcare professional who is specially trained in a range of evaluation and therapeutic methods to address mental health conditions, helping people overcome the challenges that these conditions present. A psychiatrist is a doctor who is medically qualified to diagnose, prescribe medications for, and treat people with mental illness.

Psychiatrists and psychologists work together to ensure a complete understanding of an individual’s mental health concerns and provide a holistic approach to treatment.

Mental health excellence in Dubai  

At Mubadala Health Dubai, our dedicated team of psychologists and psychiatrists is committed to providing comprehensive mental health care to adults. We understand that any condition that affects your mental wellness can significantly impact your quality of life. Our Mental Health clinic in Dubai is here to offer support, guidance and effective treatment options tailored to you.

Our expert team has vast knowledge of mental health concerns that affect adults. From common conditions like depression, which affects a significant number of adults at some stage of their lives, through to less commonly diagnosed disorders like schizophrenia, the team has the experience and expertise to give you the help, care and support you need.

Working collaboratively, our psychiatrists and psychologists offer a range of diagnostic examinations, assessments and evaluations. Once a diagnosis has been reached, the team offers a comprehensive range of evidence-based treatment approaches tailored to the individual’s unique needs and goals.

Our dedicated Pediatric Psychology and Psychiatry department also provides mental health services to children including the assessment, management, and treatment of autism assessment , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, selective mutism, social anxiety, depression, abuse, and many others.

Mental health disorders we manage and treat

Mental health conditions commonly diagnosed and managed in adults at our Psychology and Psychiatry clinic, include

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Panic disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Personality disorders

When to see a mental health specialist   

Disorders that affect your mental health can significantly impact daily life. Unlike conditions which affect our physical health, we often overlook them and don’t seek the treatment we need. This may be due to stigma, fear, or a lack of understanding of the importance of our mental wellbeing.

Don’t neglect your mental health. Book an appointment with our psychiatrists and psychiatrists in Dubai and get the support you need.

Our Specialist Doctors

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    Location & Opening Hours

    Conveniently located in Sunset Mall in Jumeirah 3, we operate from Monday – Thursday 8:00 am - 8:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

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