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Pediatric Pulmonology

Risk Factors

Risk factors for pediatric pulmonary disorders

In very young children, risk factors for pulmonary disorders include:

  • Premature birth: If a baby’s lungs don’t develop properly before they are born, they are prone to lung problems and are at a higher risk of infection.
  • Genetic factors: Some pulmonary conditions such as cystic fibrosis are genetic and are present at birth.

Many children will have respiratory infections during their childhood. The risk of these developing into more serious pulmonary infections is increased if:

  • They are exposed to environmental toxins such as cigarette smoke
  • They are living with another chronic health condition
  • They are very young <5 yrs
  • They have experienced a previous lung condition
  • They were born prematurely.

Preventing pediatric respiratory infections

While many childhood breathing problems can’t be avoided, there are some that can be prevented by following these simple steps:

  • Don’t smoke around your child
  • Keep your child away from people who are sick as much as possible
  • Keep your home as dust free as possible
  • Practice good hand hygiene
  • Vaccinate your child: Children in the UAE are routinely vaccinated against pneumonia, measles and whooping cough. Talk to your doctor about your child’s immunization program to ensure you are up to date including the annual flu vaccine.

If you think your child has any symptoms of a respiratory condition, or you are worried that they may be at an increased risk of developing one, talk to our dedicated team of pediatric pulmonologists today.

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