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Risk Factors

Many dermatological conditions develop for unknown reasons. Sometimes, they are caused by things you can’t control, such as genetics. Certain medical conditions can increase your risk of developing skin conditions including diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases and lupus. Your lifestyle can also influence their onset.

Being aware of the potential risk factors for skin, hair and nail conditions is an important factor in reducing the risk of them developing. This is particularly true if you know you have a family history of dermatology concerns.

If you have a skin condition, being aware of the triggers, such as food allergens, irritants and your environment are important in reducing the risk of the condition returning or getting worse. Triggers can include:

  • Exposure to fungi or bacteria
  • Exposure to irritants or chemicals
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Weather conditions.

Exposure to ultraviolet light is a significant risk factor for melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer. Reduce your risk of skin cancer by staying safe in the sun – always wear sun scream and cover up between 11am and 3pm, when the sun’s rays are at their strongest.

If you have a family history of skin conditions or feel you may be at risk of a dermatological condition, contact one of our dermatologists in Dubai to discuss ways in which you can manage the condition.


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