Autism Screening
General Pediatrics

Autism Screening

At Mubadala Health Dubai, we provide comprehensive diagnostic and support services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our multidisciplinary team is dedicated to offering personalized care and support to ensure the best outcomes for your child.

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental condition that affects how a person communicates, interacts with others, and experiences the world. People with autism may:

  • Repeat certain behaviors or have narrow, intense interests
  • Have difficulty understanding and responding to social cues
  • Be more sensitive to sensory inputs such as bright lights and loud noises

Learn more about Autism

Signs of Autism in Children:

  • Younger Children: Avoiding eye contact, delayed speech, repetitive movements, sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and difficulty with changes in routine.
  • Older Children: Struggles with expressing emotions, understanding others’ feelings, forming friendships, and adhering to routines.

Diagnosis at Mubadala Health Dubai

How We Diagnose Autism:

Our diagnostic process is thorough and involves multiple steps to ensure an accurate and comprehensive assessment.

  • Screening: Initial evaluation by a physician to determine if further assessment is needed.
  • ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised): In-depth interview with parents to gather detailed information about the child's development and behavior.
  • ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule): Observational assessment conducted with the child to evaluate social and communication skills.

What to Expect:

  • Screening: Review of medical history, developmental milestones, and initial observations.
  • ADI-R: Detailed parent interview to understand the child’s behaviors and developmental history.
  • ADOS-2: Activity-based assessment to observe communication and social interaction.

Support Services at Mubadala Health Dubai

Our Services Include:

  • Occupational Therapy: Helps children develop daily living skills and manage sensory issues.
  • Speech & Language Therapy: Improves communication skills and addresses feeding difficulties.
  • Psychiatric Support: Provides treatment for co-morbid conditions such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD.
  • In-School Support Services: Offers training and support to school staff to better understand and meet the needs of children with autism.

Everyday Life and Tips

Things to Help Your Child:

  • Communication: Use clear, simple language and visual aids to support understanding.
  • Socializing: Encourage social interactions at your child’s comfort level without pressure.
  • Eating & Sleeping: Maintain a food and sleep diary to identify patterns and challenges.
  • Behavior Management: Use distraction techniques, plan for changes in routine, and maintain a calm environment.

Our Specialist Doctors

Contact Us

We are here to support you and your child every step of the way. If you believe your child requires an assessment or support for autism, please contact our team: