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Men’s Health: Conquering Headaches

10 May 2024
Health Blog

Conquering Headaches and Enhancing Men's Cognitive Health

Migraine and Cluster Headache are the two most important primary headache disorders in men. Migraines may be most painful type of headache, increasing stroke and heart attack risk in men according to Harvard studies.

It was ranked third–highest cause of disability worldwide in both males and females under the age of 50 years. Migraine is one of the most common debilitating headaches disorders typically present with throbbing or pulsatile headache accompanied with other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, (sensitivity to light), (sensitivity to smell) and sound. Migraine can affect your sleep and routine daily functioning. People who suffer from frequent migraines are also more likely to have other health issues, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, and restless legs syndrome, according to the Harvard Medical School Special Health. Migraines, especially migraines with aura are also associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. One of the main Harvard studies reported that having migraines boosts the risk of heart attacks by 42%.

The migraine headache has 3 phases: (not all migraine headaches have all below symptoms)

  1. The Premonitory (prodromal) symptom occurs a few hours (5-6 hours) preceding a headache attack.
    • Common premonitory symptoms of migraine are fatigue, yawning, neck discomfort, and concentration difficulty, mood changes, irritability, food craving, increased thirst, etc.
  1. Headache phase: Last 4-72 hrs.
  2. The Post headache (postdrome) phase: it occurs after the headache has subsided. Symptoms during this phase can include:
    • Difficulty concentrating, feels confused.
    • Mood changes (depression, irritability)
    • Tiredness and weakness
    • Feels like brain "foggy”
    • Body aches

How to prevent the pain of migraine headaches?

Lifestyle and Non-Pharmacological Approaches:

  1. Stress Management: Techniques such as relaxation, meditation, biofeedback, and yoga can help manage stress and potentially reduce the frequency of migraines.
  2. Regular Sleep Schedule: Maintaining consistent sleep patterns can help prevent migraines triggered by changes in sleep.
  3. Hydration and Nutrition: Staying hydrated, eating regular meals, and avoiding trigger foods can help prevent migraines.
  4. Physical Activity: Engaging in regular exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the frequency and severity of migraines for some individuals.
  5. Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol or some sort of odor

Certain food and additives also may trigger an episode. Monitor your diet to see if these foods or drink may provoke your migraines:

  1. Alcohol, especially red wine
  2. Chocolate
  3. Nitrates found in cured meats and fish
  4. Cheese (aged and unpasteurized)
  5. Caffeinated beverages (tea, coffee, soda)
  6. Bananas
  7. Citrus fruits
  8. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  9. Peanut butter
  10. Peas
  11. Pork
  12. vinegar (except white)
  13. Yogurt
  14. Changes in the weather like rising humidity, heat.

Migraines are a condition that can significantly impact a person's life, so it's important to see experienced neurologists to develop an effective management plan tailored to individual needs and help to improve quality of life in both men and woman.


  • 1– Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health – By Matthew Solan
  • 2. Headaches: Relieving and preventing migraines and other headaches, published by Harvard Health Publications.
  • The International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD)

Authored by Dr. Mohammad Ghatali

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